Dr. Jesper Borre Pedersen

organizational unit


The Role of Culture in Early Expansions of Humans
University of Tuebingen
Hölderlinstrasse 12
72074 Tuebingen
+49 7071 29 72130

Curriculum Vitae


2019-2023     Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, Doctor of Philosophy in Prehistoric Archaeology

2016-2019     Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, Master of Arts in Prehistoric Archaeology

2013-2016     Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, Bachelor of Arts in Prehistoric Archaeology



2024-                 Post-doctoral researcher, ROCEEH, Germany

2023                   Research Assistent, NeanderEdgeAarhus University, Denmark

2023                   Research Assistent, Cliodynamic Archaeology (CLIOARCH)Aarhus University, Denmark

2021-2024     Teaching Assistant, Department for Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark

2018-2021     Doctoral student, Aarhus University, Denmark

Selected publications and lectures


Peer-Reviewed Publications

Pedersen, Jesper Borre, Jakob Johann Assmann, Signe Normand, Dirk Nikolaus Karger, and Felix Riede.
2023. ‘Climate Niche Modelling Reveals the Fate of Pioneering Late Pleistocene Populations in Northern
Europe’. Current Anthropology. https://doi.org/10.1086/726700.

Pedersen, Jesper Borre, Martin Egelund Poulsen, and Felix Riede. 2022. ‘Jels 3, a New Late Palaeolithic
Open-Air Site in Denmark, Sheds Light on the Pioneer Colonization of Northern Europe’. Journal of Field
Archaeology 47 (6): 360-378. https://doi.org/10.1080/00934690.2022.2086346.

Pedersen, Jesper Borre. 2021. ‘Tidsrummet for Hamborgkulturens bosættelse ved Jelssøerne kommenteret
gennem forsøg på flintsammensætning’. Arkæologi i Slesvig-Archäologie in Schleswig 2020 (18): 303–17.

Pedersen, Jesper Borre, Andreas Maier, and Felix Riede. 2019. ‘A Punctuated Model for the Colonisation
of the Late Glacial Margins of Northern Europe by Hamburgian Hunter-Gatherers’. Quartär 65 (2018):
85–104. https://doi.org/10.7485/QU65_4.

Eggers-Kaas, Thomas, Jesper Borre Pedersen, Christian Steven Hoggard, Florian Sauer, Jan Hilgart, and
Felix Riede. 2019. ‘A Technological and Typological Analysis of Lithic Material from Skovmosen I, Denmark’.
Danish Journal of Archaeology 8 (December): 1–18. https://doi.org/10.7146/dja.v8i0.112232.


Riede, Felix, and Jesper Borre Pedersen. 2018. ‘Late Glacial Human Dispersals in Northern Eu-
rope and Disequilibrium Dynamics’. Human Ecology 46 (5): 621–32. https://doi.org/10.1007/



Main Research Interests

  • Palaeolithic Archaeology
  • Pioneers
  • Human Dispersal
  • Cultural Transmission Theory
  • Prehistoric Individuals