Dr. Claudia Wenzel

organizational unit

Buddhistische Steinschriften

Hauptstraße 113
69117 Heidelberg
(+49) 6221-543744

Curriculum Vitae


Name in full:                Wenzel, Claudia

Date of birth:                March 11, 1966

Place of birth:               Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany

Nationality:                  German



06-19-1985: High School Diploma (Abitur) in Wörth am Rhein, Germany

October 1985 – July 1990: studies at Heidelberg University, Germany, in European History of Art, East Asian History of Art, Classical and Modern Sinology

September 1989 – August 1990: studies in Sinology at the First Foreign Language University in Beijing (北京外国语学院)

03-08-1993: M.A. in East Asian History of Art, European History of Art, and Modern Sinology at Heidelberg University

11-15-2001: PhD in East Asian History of Art, Heidelberg University

Foreign Languages:

English, Mandarin, Classical Chinese, French, basic Japanese

Current Position:                                 

01-01-2005: senior research fellow in the project „Buddhist Stone Scriptures in China” of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Specific Skills:

XML, some XQuery, organizing work flow in a team, supervision of research assistants


  • grant by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for conference in Beijing at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and field research in Hebei and Shandong about rock cut sutras, March 19 to April 4,  2002
  • grant by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for field research in Shaanxi cave temples and monasteries from 09-16-2002 to 09-30-2002 in co-operation with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing
  • grant by the Fritz-Thyssen Foundation, Germany, for post-doc research on “Stone scriptures and icons in the Jinchuanwan cave temple of the Three Levels Teaching in Shaanxi Province” from 07-01-2003 to 06-30-2004
  • grant by the Fritz-Thyssen Foundation, Germany, for field research in Hebei and Henan cave temples from 10-10-2003 to 10-26-2003
  • grant by the Fritz-Thyssen Foundation, Germany, for the conference of the International Association of Buddhist Women, “Discipline and Practice of Buddhist Women: Present and Past” in Seoul, Korea, from 06-27-2005 to 07-05-2005
  • Seminars taught:
  • Summer term 2004: „Die Bilderflut managen: Am Beispiel der Guyangdong in Longmen buddhistische Skulptur beschreiben, benennen und zuordnen“. Institute of East Asian Art, University of Heidelberg.
  • Winter term 2007/2008: „Nagarjuna und Cusanus: Die Negativität des Absoluten“. Interdisciplinary seminar. Prof. Dr. Jens Halfwassen, Institute of Philosophy, Prof. Dr. Lothar Ledderose, Institute of East Asian Art History, Dr. Claudia Wenzel.
  • Winter term 2008/2009: “Buddhistische Kunst im 6. Jahrhundert”. Institute of East Asian Art, University of Heidelberg, with Prof. Ledderose, Dr. Tsai Sueyling, Dr. Petra Rösch.
  • Winter term 2009/2010: “Zur historischen Bedeutung Han-zeitlicher Steinreliefs in Shandong/山东汉画像石的历史艺术价值 ”. Institute of East Asian Art, University of Heidelberg, with Hu Xinli 胡新立, Director of the Municipal Museum of Zoucheng.
  • Winter term 2015/2016: Bildanalyse. One session on “Das Maitreya-Paradies der Höhle 25 von Yulin nahe Dunhuang. Interpretation und ritueller Kontext.”
  • Summer term 2019: Introduction to Buddhism II. One session on “Buddhist Places and Sacred Geographies in China.”


Selected publications and lectures


Claudia Wenzel. Hoffnung auf Unsterblichkeit im Reinen Land des Westens. Das Tempelkloster des Großen Buddha des Unermesslichen Lebens Dafosi bei Binxian, Shaanxi. Dissertation, Heidelberg 2001. http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/6182/. 13.03.2006

Claudia Wenzel. “The Image of the Buddha: Buddha Icons and Aniconic Traditions in India and China.” Transcultural Studies 2011.1: 263–305. http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/ojs/index.php/transcultural/article/view/1938

Wang Yongbo 王永波 and Claudia Wenzel 溫狄婭, eds. Zhongguo fojiao shijing: Shandong Sheng 中國佛教石經:山東省 | Buddhist Stone Sutras in China: Shandong Province. Di er juan 第二卷 | Volume 2. Wiesbaden and Hangzhou: Harrassowitz Verlag and China Academy of Art Press, 2015.

Sun Hua 孙华 and Claudia Wenzel 溫狄婭, eds. Zhongguo fojiao shijing: Sichuan Sheng 中國佛教石經:四 川 卷 | Buddhist Stone Sutras in China: Sichuan Province. Di san juan 第三卷 | Volume 3. Wiesbaden and Hangzhou: Harrassowitz Verlag and China Academy of Art Press, 2016.

Claudia Wenzel 溫狄婭. 《佛說阿彌陀經》“The Amitābha Sutra.” In Zhongguo fojiao shijing: Sichuan Sheng 中國佛教石經:四 川 卷 | Buddhist Stone Sutras in China: Sichuan Province. Di san juan 第三卷 | Volume 3. Ed. by Claudia Wenzel 溫狄婭 and Sun Hua 孙华. Wiesbaden and Hangzhou: Harrassowitz Verlag and China Academy of Art Press 2016, 142–165.

Claudia Wenzel. “Monumental Stone Sūtra Carvings in China and Indian Pilgrim Sites.” Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies. July 2016, Volume 29 Special Issue: The Creation of Buddhist Sacred Sites in China, 51–89.

Claudia Wenzel. “Epigraphy in China with a Focus on Buddhist Stone Sutras on Cliffs and in Caves.” Current Epigraphy. November 13, 2017. http://www.currentepigraphy.org/2017/11/13/epigraphy-in-china-buddhist-stone-sutras-claudia-wenzel-heidelberg/

Claudia Wenzel. “The Buddha’s Footprints in China.” SAAC 7 (2020): 645-687.