Dipl. Inf. Zara Kanaeva

unité organisationnelle


The Role of Culture in Early Expansions of Humans
Universität Tübingen
Hölderlinstraße 12
72074 Tübingen
+49 7071 29 72132

Publications et conférences sélectionnées

Kandel, A.W., Haidle, M.N., Hochschild, V., Sommer, C. & Kanaeva, Z. (2023): The Aggregation of ROAD Data in the ARIADNE Pipeline: pitfalls and successes. Internet Archaeology. DOI: 10.11141/ia.64.9.

Kandel, A.W., Sommer, C., Kanaeva, Z., Bolus, M., Bruch, A.A., Groth, C., Hailde, M.N., Hertler, C., Heß, J., Malina, M., Märker, M., Hochschild, V., Mosbrugger, V., Schrenk, F. & Conard, N.J. (2023): The ROCEEH Out of Africa Database (ROAD): A large-scale research database serves as an indispensable tool for human evolutionary studies. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0289513.

Kanaeva, Z. (2022): ROAD Summary Data Sheet – A Publication and Data Sharing Tool. In A.W. Kandel, M.N. Haidle & C. Sommer (eds): Human Origins – Digital Future. An international conference about the future of archaeological and palaeoanthropological databases. Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 47. DOI: 10.11588/propylaeum.882.c13444.

Bolus, M., Bruch, A., Haidle, M., Hertler, C., Heß, J., Kanaeva, Z., Kandel, A., Malina, M. & Sommer, C. (2021): Durch die Menschheitsgeschichte mit dem neuen ROAD Summary Data Sheet. Archäologische Informationen 43, 413.

Bolus, M., Bruch, A., Haidle, M., Hertler, C., Heß, J., Kanaeva, Z., Kandel, A., Malina, M. & Sommer, C. (2021): Explore the history of humanity with the new ROAD Summary Data Sheet. Archäologische Informationen 43, 413-414.

Bolus, M., Bruch, A., Haidle, M.H., Hertler, C., Heß, J., Kanaeva, Z., Kandel, A.W., Malina, M. & Sommer, C. (2020): Explore the history of humanity with the new ROAD Summary Data Sheet. MGfU 29, 145-147. DOI: 10.51315/mgfu.2020.29008.

Haidle, M. N., Bolus, M., Bruch, A. A., Hertler, C., Hochschild, V., Kanaeva, Z., Sommer, C. & Kandel, A. W. (2020): Human Origins—Digital Future, an international conference about the future of archeological and paleoanthropological databases. Evolutionary Anthropology. DOI: 10.1002/evan.21870

Märker, M., Bolus, M. & Kanaeva, Z. (2011): Spatial assessment of early human expansions using GIS and Database Techniques: Examples from Southern Africa and Eurasia.In: Macchiarelli, R., Weniger, G.C.(eds.), Pleistocene Databases: Aquisition, Storing, Sharing. Wissenschaftliche Schriften des Neanderthal Museums, 4. Mettmann, 69-76.

Märker, M., Schmidt, P., Hochschild, V. & Kanaeva, Z. (2010): Spatial assessment of early human expansions using GIS and Database techniques: Examples from Southern Africa. In: Melero, F.J., Cano, P., Revelles, J. (eds.), Fusion of Cultures. Abstracts of the XXXVIII Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology , 67-70.

Märker, M., Kanaeva, Z. & ROCEEH Team (2010): ROAD: The Role of Culture in early expansion of humans data base. In: Curdt, C., Bareth, G. (eds.), Proceedings of the Data Management Workshop, 29.-30.10.2009, University of Cologne, Germany. Kölner Geographische Arbeiten 90, 93-97.

Märker, M., Hochschild, V. & Kanaeva, Z. (2009): Multidisciplinary Integrative Georelational Database for Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Expansion Dynamics of Early Humans. In: Frischer B., Guidi, G. (eds.), Proceedings of CAA 2009 Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. March 22-26, 2009.